php resume
Resume 1 - 20 of 20
RAKESH KUMAR [ Male, 30, Nirman Vihar ]
No Experience
Skills: php html indesign css
qsaf [ Male, 44, Sqdfqsf ]
8 Years and 3 Months
Skills: xml java php
praveen dokania
praveen dokania [ Male, 44, Bangalore ]
No Experience
Skills: html php css
neyber becerra zapata
neyber becerra zapata [ Male, 37, Hong Kong ]
No Experience
Certification - Asdsad, Sadsad
altan kastalmis
altan kastalmis [ Male, 27, Dubai ]
No Experience
Skills: cv computer php
kasun [ Male, 28, Vmb ]
8 Years and 4 Months
Skills: php java .net
Pepito Piguave
Pepito Piguave [ Male, 49, Manchester ]
No Experience
Skills: html5 css3 php
Job seeker
Job seeker [ Male, 68, Belo Horizonte ]
No Experience
Skills: php .net java
Abraiz Khan
Abraiz Khan [ Male, 29, Islamabad ]
No Experience
Skills: php, html html
biniyam [ Male, 39, Virgenia ]
No Experience
asmaa [ Male, 44, Toronto ]
No Experience
shaik jilani
shaik jilani [ Male, 46, Akalsdfjasdfj ]
No Experience
Skills: php java .net oracle
Raakesh Kumar
Raakesh Kumar [ Male, 44, New Delhi ]
No Experience
Alex muurphy
Alex muurphy [ Male, 36, NY ]
No Experience
Skills: php
U alan
U alan [ Male, 41, Islamabad ]
No Experience
sayali [ Female, 33, Canberra ]
No Experience
abcd zyx
abcd zyx [ Male, 31, Aaaaa ]
No Experience
Skills: php;mysql qqq ert
Deli Atoia Abuda
Deli Atoia Abuda [ Male, 44, Luton ]
No Experience
Skills: php photoshop java
Sergey [ Male, 36, Abu Dhabi ]
No Experience
Skills: php word ffgh
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